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The American Revolutionary Era


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In 1764 his first Act was passed by Parliament to expand the list of enumerated articles and create stricter enforcements of trade regulations.
The Sugar Act
This Act, passed in 1765, was the first that caused widesread protest in the Colonies. It's passing caused the formation of the Son's of Liberty.
The Stamp Act
The passage of this Act in 1767 promoted the writing of Letters of a Farmer in Pennsylvania.
Townshend Acts
The Boston Tea Party was a reuslt of the passage in 1773 f the Tea Act. The Tea Act allowed for what?
A monopoly to the East India Company fir tea sold in the colonies.
These Acts, passed in 1774, were a direct response from Parliament to the Boston Tea Party. They were intended to punish Boston.
The Intolerable or Coerive Acts
These allowed British soldiers to search any colonial homes and businesses.
Writs of Assistance
This phrase embodied the assertion of colonists that GB had no right to tax the American colonies as long as they did no thae their own representation in Parliament.
"No taxation without representation"
Also known as Tories, this term refers to hose Americans who remained loyal to Great Britain during the Revolution.
This pamphlet presented justification to Americans for thier break with Great Britain.
Common Sense
The American victory here brought about the French alliance.
The first shots of the Revolutionary war were fired here.
Concord and Lexington
This rebellion of Massachusetts farmers was intended to prevent state courts from foreclosing on debtors unable to pay their taxes – a result of the war- t had to be stopped by colonial militia.
Shay's Rebellion
On July 5, 1775, Congress drafted this document. It outlined their issues and asked the British government to respond and deal with them.
The Olive Branch Petition
This, Ben Franklin’s plan for intercolonial cooperation proposed in 1754. Called for Grand Council of elected delegates from the colonist that would have powers to tax and provide for common defense.
The Albany Plan
This, passed after the French and Indian War, prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachain Mountains.
The Proclamation Line of 1763

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