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Uses for Lidocaine
applied to the skin to relieve pain relief by blocking signals at the nerve endings of the skin
Precautions while using lidocaine
if irritation/burning sensation occurs discontinue. wash hands after use and avoid contact with eyes
Side effects of lidocaine
rash, hives, swelling, abnormal sensation at site of application
Storage of lidocaine
store away from heat, do not refrigerate
warnings of captopril
do not take if pregnant or breast feeding
use of captopril
treats high blood pressure and heart failure
how should captopril be used
take 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach, 1 hour before or 2 hours after meal
side effects of captopril
dizziness, cough, sore throat, fever
storage of captopril
store at room temp and away from heat
uses of sodium bicarbonate
used to relieve heartburn and acid indigestion.
how should NaHCO3 be used
taken 1-4 times a day, if used an antacid take 1-2 hours after meals with a full glass of water
special dietary instructions
cause an increase of sodium in the body
side effects of NaHCO3
increased thirst, stomach cramps, gas
storage of NaHCO3
store at room temp and away from heat
Uses of AlOH3
used for relief of heartburn, sour stomach and peptic ulcer pain
how should AlOH3 be used
depends on condtion being treated, make sure other meds are taken 1-2hours after AlOH3
side effects of AlOH3
constipation and loss of appetite
storage of AlOH3
store at room temp and away from heat
uses of phenobarbital
used to control epilepsy and as a sedative to relieve anxiety
How should pheno. be used
taken 1-3 times a day and may be taken with or without food, if take onle daily take at bed time
precautions of pheno.
do not drive or operate heavy machines until you know how this drug effects you, alcohol can add drowsiness
side effects of pheno
drowsiness, headache, dizziness, depression,vomiting, upset stomach
storage of pheno
store at room temp and away from heat
uses of hydrocortisone topical
temp relief of minor skin irritations, itching, rashes, itchy anal/rectal areas
how is hydro used
it is used 4 times a day for skin problems
side effects of hydro
drying or cracking of the skin, acne, itching, burning, change in skin color
uses of salicylic acid
used to ttreat many skin disorders, such as acne, dandruff, psoriasis, calluses.corns, warts
how to use sal acid
use as directed and only apply to affected area
storage of sal acid
keep away from heat and direct light, keep from freezing
side effects of sal acid
skin irritation, stinging
uses of laxatives
to encourage bowel movments to relieve constipation
storage of laxatives
store away from heat and direct light
side effects of laxatives
depends on condition
uses of charcoal
relieves painful pressure caused by excess gas in the stomach and intestine, diarrhea, and indigestion
precautions of charcoal
take dose atleast 2 hours before or 1 hour after a dose of any other meds.
how to take charcoal
take with a full glass (8 ounce) water, take after meals
storage of charcoal
store at room temp away from moisture and heat
What is kawasaki disease
illness that involves skin,mouth and lymph nodes and affects kids under 5
what are the signs of kawasaki
redness of eyes, rash on stomach,cracked lips,irritated throat
complications of kawasaki disease
can lead to vasculitis(inflammation of blood vessels)

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