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Swedish Massage


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Practical Applications for Effleurage
adapt the body to touch
apply lubricant
begin & end massage of each region
evaluate tissue
transition between strokes
massage over painful areas
drain area after manipulations
Physiological Effects of Effluerage
mechanically move fluids
improve local circulation
relax muscles
Produce superficial heat
stretches muscle
decreases/relieves pain
Variations of Effluerage
fanning & pulling
nerve stroke
a light or deep stroking, sliding, or gliding movement following the body contours
A gripping, lifting, stretching, squeezing, or rolling of the superficial tissues away from adjacent structures.
Variations of Petrissage
One-handed, two-handed bilateral, 2-handed unilateral (big C little c)
skin rolling
Physiological Effects of Petrissage
*relieves edem/swelling
*stretches tissues
*helps prevent muscle stiffness
*invigorates/revitalizes skin
*reduces restrictions in fascia
*enhance muscle tone
Compression of tissue against underlying structures
Variations of Friction
*Stationary (trigger point)
*Linear (with the fibers)
*Circular thumb
Physiological Effects of Friction
*breaks up connective tissue adhesions
*seperates adhered fascial planes
*spreads/stretches muscle & tendon fibers
*reduces muscle tension
*generates superficial heat
*improves local circulation
*relieves pain via the pain gate theory
a rhythmic shaking, trembling, or jostling of tissue of a body part.
Variations of Vibration
*traction vibration
Physiological Effects of Vibration
*relaxes muscles
*loosens superficial tissue
*soothes and sedates
*stimulates synovial fluid
*relieves pain via pain gate theory
moving a body part through its normal range of motion.
Physiological Effects of Gymnastics
*Increases flexibility
*neuromuscular re-education
*Increase movement of fluids
*reduces muscle guarding
*loosens fascial adhesions
PROM (passive range of motion)
client allows the practioner to safely perform the movement for the client, taking it through the complete ROM
Active-Assistive Range of Motion
A)visualizing or mentally thinking about the movement
B)actual muscular contraction to perform the movement as best as possible w/ assistance to complete ROM
Active-Unassisted Range of Motion
client engages muscle to perform movement as best as possible, without assistance from the practioner

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