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Right ventricle internal structure


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Gen Rt Ventricle
forms the largest part of anterior heart surface, small part of diaphragmatic surface and almost entire inferior border of heart
-deoxy blood from rt atrium comes in and is pumped to lungs
trabeculae carnae
irregular muscular elevations on the interior of r. ventricle
papillary muscles
-form conical projections with base on vent wall and tendinous cords arising from apices
-cords attached to adjacent sides of 2 cusps-prevent inversion and seperation of cusps (parachute)
-begin contraction before systol closing tricuspid valve
3types- ant, post, septal
Papillary muscle types
Anterior-largest, arise on ant wall, cords to ant and post cusps
Posterior-smaller and made up of several parts, from inferior wall, cords to post and septal cusps
Septal- from interverntricular septum, cords to ant and septal cusps
septomarginal trabecular (moderator band)
curved muscle bundle from inf part of interventricular septum to base of ant papillary
-carries part of the right bundle branch of the AV bundle(part of conductiong system to ant papillary
Supraventricular crest
- thick muscular ridge which separates the ridged muscular wall of inflow part of chamber from the smooth wall of the conus arteriosus
conus arteriosus
arterial cone which leads into pulmonary trunk (on the superior part of r. ventricle)
pulmonary valve
Left, right and anterior semilunar cusps- concave when viewed superiorly; these project into artery but lie close to its walls as blood leave the r. ventricle; cusps uopen up like pockets as they catch reversed blood flow and completely close pulmonary opening to prevent significant amount of blood from returning to r. ventricle
the center of each cusp (where it comes into contact with other cusps)
the adjacent free edge of the cusp
superior to each valve—spaces at the origin of the pulmonary trunk between the dilated wall of the vessel and each cusp of the pulmonary valve

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