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Rhetorical Strategies 2


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Figure of speech in which concious exaggeration is used
[comic effect or heightened effect]

i.e. I wanted to rip his head off
Use of langauge to convey sensory experience; pictorial through figurative language
A mode of speech in which words express meaning opposite to the intended meaning

i.e. Coach Gruhl never tucks his shirt in
Specialized language providing shorthand mehtod of quick communication between people in the same field
Giving the opponent credit for their ideas

i.e. She did her homework but...
Lending Credence
logical fallacy: attacking the character of a person instead of the issue
Ad Hominem
logical fallacy:The introduction of irrelevant evidence to support a claim
Non Sequitur
logical fallacy:Use of an irrelevant point to divert attention from the real issue
Red Herring
logical fallacy:failure to provide evidence showing that one event will lead to a chain of events of a catastrophic nature
Slippery Slope
the idea that there are principles governing correct or reliable inferences
logical reasoning
a sentence that is grammatically complete at some point before the end
[opposite of periodic sentence]
loose sentence
a figure of speech involving an implied comparison
a figure of speech characterized by the substitution of a term naming an object closely associated with the word in mind for the word itself

i.e. crown for kingship
the overall atmosphere of a work
reccurent images, words, objects, phrases, or actions that tend to unify the work
the story of events and/or experiences that tells what happened
the use of words that by their sound suggest their meaning

i.e. buzzzzzz
a phrase or statement that while seemingly contradictory or absurd might actually be well-founded or true
the arrangement of parts in a sentence, or larger unit of composition that one eelement of equal importance with another is smiliarly developed and phrased

i.e. i like fishing and swimming
a sentence that is not grammatically complete before its end

[opposite of a loose sentence]
periodic sentence
attributing human characteristics to nonhuman things
describes the way in which a reader is presented with the matierals of the story
point of view
the repetition of conjunctions in close succession for rhetorical effect
medthod of clarifying the nature of something by explaining how it works in seperate, easy to understand steps

i.e. how to make a sandwich
process analysis
a rhetorical device reiterating a word or phrase to secure emphasis
question asked solely to produce an effect and not elicit a reply
rhetorical question
literary devices, imagery, compare/contrast, process analysis, defintion, narration, cause/effect, and arguementation/persuasion
rhetorical strategies
a technique that both ridicules people and societal institutions using wit, irony, and exaggeration
a figure of speech involving a comparion using like or as
a complete sentence that is neither compound nor complex
simple sentence
harmful situations played in the media as philanthropic endeavors
the authors characteristic manner of expression
a formula for presenting an argument logically
something concrete that stands for or represents something abstract
a type of figurative language in which the whole is used for the part of the whole

i.e. kleenex:tissue
pattern or structure of the word order in a sentence or phrase
the voice the writer has chosen to project to relate to readers

i.e. sarcastic
the implied personality the author chooses to adopt
designating qualities or characteristics apart from specific objects or events

opposite of concrete
a narrative in which character, action, and sometimes setting has abstract concepts apart from the literal meaning of a story
the repition of initial identical consonant sounds or any vowel osunds in successive or closely associated syllables
a brief reference to a person, event, place, real or fictious, or to a work of art
the process of reasoning that assumes if two subject share a number of specific observable qualities, then they may be expected to share qualities that have not been observed
one of the devices of repetition in which the same expression is repeated at the beginning of two or more lines, clauses, or sentences
the inversion of the usual, normal, or logical order of the parts of a sentence
a rhetorical technique often used to convince an audience that of anticipating and stating the arguements one's opponent is likely to give and then answering these arguements even before the opponent has had a chance to voice them
anticipating audience response
a concise statement of a principle or precept given in pointed words
a figure of speech in which someone not present or nonexistant is addressed
the underlying feeling behind a tone
writing that urges people to action or promote change
call to action
a technique the writer uses to create and reveal fictional personalities in a work of literatur
a type of balance in which the second part is balanced against the first but with the part reversed
a method of sorting, grouping, collecting, and analyzing things by categories
classification and division
a timeworn expression through overuse has lost its meaning
a word or phrase made, invented, or fabricated
words or phrases characteristic to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing
colloquial expressions
a tehcnique for pointing out similarities and differences
a sentnece that contains one or more indepedent clauses and at least one subordinate clause
compound/complex sentence
an elaborate and suprising figure of speech comparing two very dissmiliar things
pertains to actual things, instances, experiences

opposite of abstract
a method of arguementation in which the speaker or writer defends her own views and/or attacks the views of others
defensive, offensive
a method for specifying the basic nature of any phenomenon, idea, or thing
the specific exact meaning of a word

the emotional implications a word may carry

the choice of words in a work of literature and an element of style important to the work's effectiveness
language used to distort and manipulate rather than to communicate
methods of drawing attention and diverting attention
the omission of a word or words necessary for complete construction
explioting a readers feelings
emotional appeal
the ability to convince your readers that you are a reliable inteeligent person who knows what your talking about
ethical appeal
the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own group and culture
substitutions of an inoffensive, indirect, or agreeable expression for words percieved as socially unacceptable
writing that seeks to clarify, explain, or inform

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