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Psychology Test 1 2


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How are Psychological Disorders defined?
Atypical, disturbing, maladaptive, unjustifiable
Bio-psycho-social perspective
assumes that disorders are influenced by genetic factors, physiological states, inner psychologica dynamics and social circumstances
What is DSM-IV
Diagnostic Classification System
Cognitive Anxiety
Thought process range from generalized worry to overwhelming fear and often focus on various possibilities of impending doom
Behavioral Anxiety
The avoidance of an anxiety-provoking situation that may be practiced
Somatic Anxiety
Numerous physiological complaints are experienced due to activation of the sympathetic nervous system (Stomach aches, etc.)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Characterized by persistant high levels of anxiety and excessive worry with symptoms present for at least 6 months
Panic Disorder
Recurrent and unexpected panic attacks are severe and involve feelings of terror and physiological involvement (heart pounding,etc.)
Peristent, irrational fear of specific objects/situations
Psycholanalytic Perspective (anxiety disorder)
The product of unresolved conflict that occurs when defense mechanisms are weak. Inadequate self concept.
Learning Perspective (Anxiety Disorder)
Generalized anxiety has been linked with a classical conditioning of fear and the attendant stimulus. Avoidance relieves fear through negative reinforcement.
Cognitive Perspective (Anxiety disorder)
Observational learning can produce fear=anxiety.
Biological Perspective (anxiety disorder)
Fears represent age old threats, genetically predisposed
Dissociative Disorders
Disturbances or changes in memory, consciousness or identity due to psychological factors
Phillipe Pinel
pioneered a compassionate medical model for the treatment of the mentally ill in France
Teresa of Auila
established concept that mind can be sick
Reginald Scot
used scientific skepticism to refute concept of demonic possession
founder of American psychiatry, encourages humane care and hospitals
Medical Model
assumes that psychological disorders are mental illnesses that need to be diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms and cured through therapy
Dissociative Amnesia
partial or complete loss of memory
Dissociative Fuge
confusion over identity-fleeing
most common,event/stressor, feeling of unreality
Dissociative Identity Disorder
original personality is unaware of others, each personality has own identity, name, purpose
Mood Disorders
characterized by emotional extremes, most common of all psychological disorders
Emotional symptoms of major depressive disorder
feelings of hopelessness, sadness and guilt, emotional disconnect from other people
Behavioral symptoms of major depressive disorder
dejected, unsmiling, downcast demeanor, slowed movement and speech, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, etc.
Cognitive symptoms of major depressive disorder
difficulty thinking, concentrating and remembering, global negativity and pessimism, suicidal thoughts
Physical symptoms of major depressive disorder
change in appetite resulting in weight gain/loss, constipation
Bipolar disorder
alternating episodes of depression and mania
Characteristics of mania
euphoria, exansiveness and excitement, out of character energy or activity, frenzied, disorganized

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