Pharmacy Tech Common Latin Abbreviations
undefined, object
copy deck
Abbreviation: a
Latin Phrase: ante - Meaning: before
Abbreviation: aa
Latin Phrase: ana - Meaning: of each
Abbreviation: ac
Latin Phrase: ante cibum - Meaning: before meals
Abbreviation: ad
Latin Phrase: ad - Meaning: up to
Abbreviation: ad lib
Latin Phrase: ad libitum - Meaning: as much as desired
Abbreviation: ad
Latin Phrase: auro dextro - Meaning: right ear
Abbreviation: as
Latin Phrase: auro sinister - Meaning: left ear
Abbreviation: am
Latin Phrase: ante meridian - Meaning: before noon
Abbreviation: au
Latin Phrase: auro utro - Meaning: both ears
Abbreviation: bid
Latin Phrase: bis in die - Meaning: twice daily
Abbreviation: c
Latin Phrase: cum - Meaning: with
Abbreviation: d
Latin Phrase: dentur - Meaning: give
Abbreviation: dtd
Latin Phrase: dentur talis - Meaning: dispense of such doses
Abbreviation: f, ft.
Latin Phrase: fac - Meaning: make
Abbreviation: gtt
Latin Phrase: gutta - Meaning: drop
Abbreviation: gtts
Latin Phrase: guttae - Meaning: drops
Abbreviation: h
Latin Phrase: hora - Meaning: hour
Abbreviation: hs
Latin Phrase: hora somni - Meaning: at bedtime
Abbreviation: M
Latin Phrase: misce - Meaning: mix
Abbreviation: M ft.
Latin Phrase: misce et fiat - Meaning: mix + make
Abbreviation: no
Latin Phrase: numus - Meaning: number
Abbreviation: noct
Latin Phrase: noctis - Meaning: night
Abbreviation: non rep, nr
Latin Phrase: non repetatur - Meaning: no refills
Abbreviation: od
Latin Phrase: olulo dextro - Meaning: right eye
Abbreviation: os
Latin Phrase: oculos sinsetra - Meaning: left eye
Abbreviation: ou
Latin Phrase: oculos ultro - Meaning: both eyees
Abbreviation: p
Latin Phrase: post - Meaning: after
Abbreviation: pc
Latin Phrase: post cibum - Meaning: after meals
Abbreviation: per
Latin Phrase: per - Meaning: by
Abbreviation: po
Latin Phrase: per os - Meaning: by mouth
Abbreviation: pm
Latin Phrase: post meridian - Meaning: after noon
Abbreviation: pr
Latin Phrase: per recum - Meaning: rectally
Abbreviation: prn
Latin Phrase: per re nataas - Meaning: as needed
Abbreviation: q
Latin Phrase: quaque - Meaning: every
Abbreviation: qd
Latin Phrase: quaque die - Meaning: every day
Abbreviation: qod
Latin Phrase: - - Meaning: every other day
Abbreviation: q2h
Latin Phrase: quaque 2 horae - Meaning: every 2 hours
Abbreviation: q4h
Latin Phrase: quaque 4 horae - Meaning: every 4 hours
Abbreviation: qid
Latin Phrase: quarter per die - Meaning: 4 times daily
Abbreviation: qs
Latin Phrase: quantum sufficiat - Meaning: up to
Abbreviation: Rx
Latin Phrase: recipe - Meaning: you take
Abbreviation: ss
Latin Phrase: semis - Meaning: 1/2
Abbreviation: sig
Latin Phrase: signa - Meaning: directions
Abbreviation: sos
Latin Phrase: si opus sit - Meaning: if needed
Abbreviation: stat
Latin Phrase: statim - Meaning: immediately
Abbreviation: tid
Latin Phrase: ter in die - Meaning: 3 times daily
Abbreviation: ut dict, ud
Latin Phrase: ut dictum - Meaning: as directed
Abbreviation: qs ad
Latin Phrase: quantum sufficiat ad - add to the amount needed