Pharmacy Prefixes and Suffixes
undefined, object
copy deck
- a-
- without
- an-
- without
- ante-
- before
- bi-
- two
- bin-
- two
- brady-
- slow
- dia-
- through
- dys-
- difficult
- endo-
- within
- epi-
- over
- eu-
- normal
- ex-
- outward
- exo-
- outward
- hemi-
- half
- hyper-
- excessive
- hypo-
- deficient
- inter-
- between
- intra-
- within
- meta-
- change
- micro-
- minute, tiny
- multi-
- numberous
- neo-
- new
- nulli-
- none
- pan-
- total
- para-
- beyond
- per-
- through
- peri-
- surrounding
- poly-
- many
- post-
- after
- pre-
- before
- pro-
- before
- sub-
- below
- supra-
- superior
- sym-
- join
- syn-
- join
- tacy-
- rapid
- tetra-
- four
- trans-
- through
- uni-
- one
- -ac
- pertaining to
- -ad
- toward
- -al
- pertaining to
- -algia
- pain
- -apheresis
- removal
- -ar
- pertaining to
- -ary
- pertaining to
- -asthenia
- weakness
- -atresia
- occulsion, closure
- -capnia
- carbon dioxide
- -cele
- hernia
- -centesis
- aspirate fluid off lung
- -clasia
- break
- -clasis
- break
- -coccus
- berry-like bacteria
- -crit
- separate
- -cyte
- cell
- -desis
- fusion
- -drome
- run
- -eal
- pertaining to
- -ectasis
- expansion
- -ectomy
- removal
- -emia
- blood dysfunction
- -esis
- condition
- -gen
- agent that causes
- -genesis
- cause
- -genic
- pertaining to
- -gram
- record
- -graph
- recording device
- -graphy
- process of recording
- -ia
- disease condition
- -ial
- pertaining to
- -iasis
- condition
- -iatrist
- physician
- -iatry
- specialty
- -ic
- pertaining to
- -ician
- one that-
- -ictal
- attack
- -ior
- pertaining to
- -ism
- condition of
- -itis
- inflammation
- -lysis
- separating
- -malacia
- softening
- -megaly
- increasing in size
- -meter
- measure
- -odynia
- pain
- -oid
- resembling
- -ologist
- person that practices
- -ology
- study
- -oma
- tumor
- -opia
- vision
- -opsy
- view of
- -orrhagia
- blood flowing profusely
- -orrhaphy
- repairing
- -orrhea
- flow
- -orrhexis
- break
- -osis
- condition
- -ostomy
- to mak an opening
- -otmy
- cut into
- -ous
- pertaining to
- -oxia
- oxygen
- -paresis
- partial paralysis
- -pathy
- disease
- -penia
- decrease in number
- -pepsia
- digestion
- -pexy
- suspension
- -phagia
- swallowing, eating
- -phobia
- excessive fear of
- -phonia
- voice, sound
- -physis
- growth
- -plasia
- development
- -plasm
- a growth
- -plasty
- repair by surgery
- -plegia
- paralysis
- -pnea
- breathing
- -piesis
- formation
- -ptosis
- sagging
- -salpinx
- fallopian tube
- -sacoma
- malignant tumor
- -schisis
- crack
- -sclerosis
- hardening
- -scope
- visual device used for inspection
- -scopic
- visual inpection
- -sis
- condidtion of
- -spasm
- abnormal muscle firing
- -stasis
- standing
- -stenosis
- narrowing
- -thorax
- chest
- -tocia
- labor, birth
- -tome
- cutting device
- -tripsy
- surgical crushing
- -trophy
- develop
- -uria
- urine