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Mixed Questions


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SSIC Code number 1000 is what?
Personnel (Military)

Telecommunications is what SSIC code? *Tell*
2000 SSIC
SSIC code number 3000 is what?
Operations and Readiness

What is the SSIC code for Logistics? *Lella*
4000 SSIC
What is the SSIC code for Medical and Dental? *Me*
6000 SSIC
SSIC code number 7000 is for what?
Financial Management

SSIC code number 8000 is for what?

What is the SSIC code for Ship's Design & Material? *Ships*
9000 SSIC
What is the SSIC code for Material? *Mail*
1000 SSIC
SSIC code number 1100 is for what?
Facilities and Activities Ashore

What is the SSIC code for the Coast Guard?
1600 SSIC
When is the Binnacle List NAVMED 6320/18 due in the morning?
When is the Morning report of the sick and injured NAVMED 6320/19 due in the morning?

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