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Lines, scene 15


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HG: Come on Kung Kung. This seems to be an unhappy matchmaking
I can scarcely figure out what the reason is
HG: Lets see them into their bedroom anyway
I dont see how we can
HG: Why can't we?
It is the bridal chamber
Yes, but that makes no difference. According to our custom, within three days after the wedding any member of the you have to be a little bit forward Kung Kung
All right then. Let me have the experience
HG: No one welcomes us. I guess we must sit down uninvited
that seems to be the only way
HG: young....
MC: what is wrong w/ me?
HG: you did not even intend to talk with us. We feel hurt.
It is as the proverb says, "when a couple have gone to bed, matchmakers are thrown over the wall"
HG: there has.....
HG: How blunt your words are!
It seems we should not have the audacity to sit here any longer. This is our reward for being matchmakers. How terrible I feel!
HG: please be he almost loses his temper. We ought to find out what is the matter.
Let's not bother about it. he is getting blunt.
HG: But I must ask him the reason
Go ahead if you want to. I am through with it. The whole matter seems to be unbearable
HG: I'll do it....
mc, hk, mc, hk, mc, hk,
MC: I think so
HG: Oh!
What did he say?
HG: he said that General Cheng knows all about his reason
Canthe old rogue be playing a trick upon us?
HG: we will have to ask him
We must
HG: where is General cheng?
cp, hk, cp, hk,
CP: He faltered....I beg your excellency to beseech him to make it clear
That is it! Whatever he has in his mind, he had better speak out; he must not make us guess the secret in the bottle-gourd
HG: so i must ask him again!
You had better
CP......long wait....
HG: The marriage should have been considered broken off with his flight. Why should you still want to unite them?
That is right. Why have you been so insistent?
CP: it is not fair....
HG: why?
CP: We must ask him why he ran away
Right too! why did he run away! this should be made clear.
HG: must he be questioned again?
CP: Yes!
You must.
HG: ....wait....
HG: how can i tell you...
CP: why not? please be straight-forward!
Do speak it out, I want to hear it too
HG: .......
CP: I still have something to say
Go on, please
CP: i implore....who went to him?
HG: you had better not ask any more!
CP: Please
Just this once
HG: he said he did see her clearly and can still remember
CP: That is good!
What is so good about it?
CP, hk, mc,
HG: he has not
CP: Oh!
CP: please ask him to take off....but also accept whatever punishment you may give me
This sounds reasonable. The bride-groom ought to have a loook at the bride first.
HG: mr. mu.......
long...walk...veil comes off...
MC: not at all
Not at all! is apologizing to everyone...
SE: Woe to me!
MC: Dont feel bad, dear lady, ill do all i can to make it up
What is this all about?
MC: Forgive me, Kung Kung
All right. I havve completed the task of a matchmaker. I have prepared my wedding present. But till now i have not even been offered a cup of tea.
CP: Let us go, Kung Kung
I want to see the couple reconciled
HG: reconciled?
It will not be too late to attend the feast after the couple are reconciled
HG: it will not....we can do nothing about it
Why cant we?
HG: you are so green with a mater like thi, kung kung
and you are so familiar with this kind of matter!
CP: where are you two?
We are coming.....aren't you coming along?
MC: ill not stand up unles syou smile and forgive me. if you dont i will kneel for a whole year
it will be a torment to kneel for one year.
HG: since he kneels on ....but for the rest of his life
If a husband has to act this way, i would rather remain a bachelor
..........SE: please stand up
Please stand up!
MC: HK: MC: you two ought to be punished for being so tricky
you are the one who ought to be punished. Not us
aide: madame cheng has arrived...
HG: we had better get away from here
You are right

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