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Greek Art 450 - 31 BC


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What are the bracket dates for Hellenistic Greek Art?
323 - 31 BC
Identify the following work of art (artist, location, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Iktinos and Kallicrates, Athens, Temple, High Classical, 450 - 400 BC
Temple of Athena, Doric order w/ some Ionic characteristics (columns, tablature), entasis, golden rectangle, collonade all around, continuous frieze foreshadows new order
Identify the following work of art (artist, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Battle of Issus
Philoxenos of Eretria, mosaic, Hellenistic Greek Art, 323 - 31 BC
floor mosaic, depicts battle scene, Alex. defeats King Darius of Persia
What are 4 Key Concepts of High Classical Greek Art?
1. search for harmony in all art forms - emphasis on subltle refinements
2. symmetria governs idealized naturalism in sculpture & architecture
3. new sense of self-importance among Athenians
4. Athens uses treasury of the Delian League to fund rebuilding of Acropolis
Identify the following work of art (artist, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Hermes and the Infant Dionysos
Praxiteles, sculpture/ marble copy, Late Classical, 400 - 323 BC
broke with traditional canon, playfulness btwn 2 Greek gods/ less "heroic", softer facial expression & muscle definition, more elongated proportions (not previous stocky, atheletic build)
What are 3 Key Concepts of Late Classical Greek Art?
1. Athenians defeated in Peloponnesian War - less inflated egos
2. softening of canon, elongation of forms, relaxation
3. Gods are more humanized
Identify the following work of art (artist, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Apoxyomenos (The Scraper)
Lysippos, sculpture (marble copy), Late Classical, 400 - 323 BC
athlete cleaning himself (oil), Lysippos own canon - more elongated, exaggerated "s" curve, more 3-D - on more than one plane
What are the bracket dates for High Classical Greek Art?
450 - 400 BC
What are 5 Key Concepts of Hellenistic Greek Art?
1. begins w/ death of Alex. the Great
2. more emotional than any Greek art before it, even dramatic
3. Alexander's legacy is a "Hellenized" world
4. Art influences come from throughout Alexander's empire (not a purely "Greek" style)
5. true portraiture begins
Identify the following work of art (location, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Athens, Temple, High Classical, 450 - 400 BC
Housed wooden figure of Athena, Ionic Order, continuous tablature, unusual assymetrical design
Identify the following work of art (medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife
Sculpture (marble copy), Hellenistic, 323 - 31 BC
picks dramatic moment, not classical moment, Greeks thought of Gauls as barbarians, but revered them as symbols of heroic days of old, sculpture depicts Gaul warrior killing wife and himself after losing battle
Identify the following work of art (medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Panathenaic Festival Procession
Freize, High Classical, 450 - 400 BC
continuous frieze, like a parade, depicts taking clothing to wooden statue of Athena, unusual bec. images are of ordinary Athenians on this temple (self-important aft defeating Persians), no emotion in faces of figures
How can you identify the Battle of Issus as Hellenistic?
Scene is not depicted in the classical moment, but a dramatic moment; energetic & active. Diagonal lines contribute to sense of movement. Also, a clear attempt to make a believable space & 3-D forms w/ in that space (foreshortening, modelling, spears give illusion of soldiers behind)
Identify the following work of art (artist, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Polykleitos, sculpture (marble copy), Hellenistic, 450 - 400 BC
chiastic balance/ harmony of opposites, spear bearer,
Identify the following work of art (medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Nike of Samothrace
marble sculpture, Hellenistic Greek Art, 323 - 31 BC
victory figure, filled with pathos (emotion), great deal of movement compared to classical more frozen, motionless
Identify the following work of art (medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
Acropolis, Athens, South porch of Erectheion, High Classical, 450 - 400 BC
female figures used as columns, contrapposto stance, pattern variety in drapery
Identify the following work of art (artist, medium, culture/style, bracket dates):
The Laocoon Group
Athanadoros, Hagesandros and Polydoros of Rhodes, Marble sculpture, Hellenistic Greek Art, 323 - 31 BC
emphasis on dramatic moment, from story of Trogan War; Trogan hero, Laocoon, tried to warn the Trogan's of the horse bearing the Greek soldiers, Greek gods/goddess sent snakes to quiet/punish him
What are the bracket dates for Late Classical Greek Art?
400 - 323 BC

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