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Even and Odd


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Mrs. Green, David and Joshua have six legs all together. Are there an ODD or EVEN number of legs?
Is the following group of numbers ODD or EVEN?

2, 4, 6, 8, 10
EVEN...each of these quantities can be divided equally in half.
David has two piles of race cars. Each pile has 5 cars. Are there an EVEN or ODD number of race cars?
Joshua helped carry 9 large stones for Mr. McEwan. Did Joshua carry an ODD or EVEN number of stones?
Taylor was playing hopscotch and stepped on the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9. Did she step on the ODD or EVEN numbers?
David and Joshua have 2 bikes with 4 wheels. Are these EVEN or ODD numbers?
Zachary has a pile of ten pennies. Does he have an ODD or EVEN number of pennies?
EVEN...try stacking up ten pennies, can you seperate that stack into two stacks that are the same height?!
Josh has 9 nails. Does he have an ODD or an EVEN number of nails?
EVEN...Not sure, try seperating 9 nails by making two columns, laying one across from another!
Is the following group of numbers ODD or EVEN?

1, 3, 5, 7, 9
ODD...each of these numbers cannot be equally divided in half!
David has ten boyscout friends. Does he have an odd or even number of friends?

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