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Chapter 2 flashcards 2


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Assisted Reproductive Tech
a range of techniques to help women who are infertile to conceive and give birth.
birthding center
a nonhospital settng established to provide labor and delivery and postpartum services for the low-risk maternity patient etc.
development of an emotional attachment btsn parent and offspring through frequent and close physical contact
Chorion villi testing
procedure iinvolving cervical insertion of a catheter into the uterus t obtain a piece of the developing placenta for chromosomal analysis.
intermittent painless contractions of the uterus that may occur q 10-20 min p the 3 mo of preg
threadlike structures composed of DNA and proteins that carry genes and are found within each body cell nucleus
curettage abortion
a surgical procedure that expands the cervix to permit passage of a curett to scrape the surface lining othe uterus
dominant genes
genes that express themselves if present on one or both chromosomes in a pair
thestage of prenatal devel beginning in the 2nd week and lasting theough the eighth week
family pluralism
recognition of many viable types of family structures
the penetration of an uvum by a spermatozoon, usually occurring in the fallopian tube
fertilization age
the number of completed weeks of pregnancy counting from 14 days after the beginnin of the last menstrual period to the birth of the neonate
Fetal alcohol syndrome
congenital anomalies resulting from chronic, usually excessive, ETOH consumption
Fetal differentiation
occurs when the preg woman separates the individuality of the fetus from her own personhood.
fetal viability
the capability to survive outside of the womb, typically requiring atleast 25 wks of gestation
the developing organism from the 9th wk of pregnancy to birth
Gamete intra-falopian tub transfer
a procedure to obtain suitable ova and sperm and insert them into the fallopian tube where fertilization can occur naturally.
basic units of heredity, made of DNA, and found on chromosomes
Gene replacement therapy
implantation of genetic material to alter the genotype
genetic counseling
providing appropriat e knowledge about human genetics and advice to guide the decidsions of persons concerned about hereditary abnormalities
genetic heterogeneity
a genetic principle that a trait, sucha s mental retardation, can have a different etiology in different persons.
genetic liability
the state of being prone to hereditary disorders.
the totality of the hereditary information present in an organism
germ cells
the ova and spermatozoa, the function of which is to reproduce the orgnaism
the length of maturation time from conception to birth. In humans average=280 days (range 259-287)
gestational age
# of complete weeks of pregnancy counting from the 1st day of the last menstrual period.
the inability to create a viable embryo
interactive genes
corresponding genes that give separate yet controlling messages
intrauterine fetal death
spontaneous cessation of fetal life
intrauterine insemination
surgical implantation of an ovum and sperm into the uterus
in vitro fert
fert in a culture dish or test tube...then implanted into uterus
low birth weight
<2500 g 5lbs-8oz
naturally occurring loss of a fetus prior to 20 wks gestation also known as spontaneous abortion.
multifactoral inheritance
genetic traits that are controlled by multiple genes
a pregnant woman who has reviously experience pregnancy.
infant up to one month of age
the expression of genetic traits in an individual
the ability of a single gene to have many effects.
premature birth
a fetus born any time proir to 37 wks
a woman who has delivered only one infant of at least 500 grams (20 wks gestation) whether the child is alive or dead at time of birth
protective factors
personal and societal factores that reduce or protect against risk
fetal movement
recessive genes
genes that express themselves only if present on both chromosomes in a pair
risk factors
personal or societal factors that increase liklihood of prob occuring
Roe v Wade
1973 US supreme court ruling that legalized abortion in the first trimester and left it to the discretion of the woman and her physician
sensitive period
different organs are sisitive during certain developmental times
sex chromosomes
chromosome pair #23, which determines the sex of the child
sex-linked trait
a trait that is controlled by a gene located on one of the sex chromosomes
small for gestational age
lower than normal birth weith, given teh number of weeks gestation
spontaneous abortion
naturally occurring loss of a fetus prior to 20wks of gestation; also known as miscarriage
the birth of a dead fetus after more than 20 wks
anything present during prenatal life that adversely affects normal celular development in form or function in the embryo or fetus.
vacuum curettage
curet or catheter removes uterine contents before the 12th wk of pregnancy
very low birth weight
<1500g or 3lbs-3oz
Webster v Reproductive Health Services
a 1989 U.S. Supreme court ruling that Medicaid could not fund abortions.
a fertilized ovum cell

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