Chapter 16 U.S. History Vocab
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- New Deal
- Term used to describe president Franklin Roosevelt's relief, recovery, and reform programs designed to combat the Great Depression.
- Hundred Days
- Period at the start of Fraklin Roosevelt's presidency in 1933, when many New Deal programs were passed by congress.
- Public Works Program
- Government-funded projects to build public facilities.
- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
- Established by Congress in 1933, this program put more than 2.5 million young men to work restoring and maintaining forests, beaches, and parks.
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
- Established in 1933 to rasie farm prices through government fincial assistiance.
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- Federal project to provide inexpensive electric power, flood control, and recreational opportunities to the Tennessee River Valley.
- Second New Deal
- Period of legislative activity launched by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935.
- Wagner Act
- Law passed in 1935 that aided unions by legalizing collective bargining and closed shops, and by establishing the National Labor Relations Board.
- Closed Shop
- Workplace opened only to union members.
- Social Security System
- System established by the 1935 Social Security Act to provide financial security, in the form of regular payments, to people who cannot support themselves.
- American Liberty League
- Orginization founded in 1934 to oppose the New Deal.
- Demagogue
- A leader who manipulates people with half-truths, deceptive promises, and scare tactics.
- Nationalization
- Government takeover and ownership of banks, and the redistribution of thier wealth.
- Deficit Spending
- Paying out more money from the annual federal budget than the government recieves in revenues.
- Recession
- A period of slow buisness activities.
- National Debt
- Total amount of money that the federal government borrows and has to pay back.
- Revenue
- Income
- Coalition
- Alliance of groups with simialr goals.
- Sit-Down Strike
- Labor protest in which laborers stop working but refuse to leave the workplace.