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Chapter 16 U.S. History Vocab


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New Deal
Term used to describe president Franklin Roosevelt's relief, recovery, and reform programs designed to combat the Great Depression.
Hundred Days
Period at the start of Fraklin Roosevelt's presidency in 1933, when many New Deal programs were passed by congress.
Public Works Program
Government-funded projects to build public facilities.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Established by Congress in 1933, this program put more than 2.5 million young men to work restoring and maintaining forests, beaches, and parks.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
Established in 1933 to rasie farm prices through government fincial assistiance.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Federal project to provide inexpensive electric power, flood control, and recreational opportunities to the Tennessee River Valley.
Second New Deal
Period of legislative activity launched by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935.
Wagner Act
Law passed in 1935 that aided unions by legalizing collective bargining and closed shops, and by establishing the National Labor Relations Board.
Closed Shop
Workplace opened only to union members.
Social Security System
System established by the 1935 Social Security Act to provide financial security, in the form of regular payments, to people who cannot support themselves.
American Liberty League
Orginization founded in 1934 to oppose the New Deal.
A leader who manipulates people with half-truths, deceptive promises, and scare tactics.
Government takeover and ownership of banks, and the redistribution of thier wealth.
Deficit Spending
Paying out more money from the annual federal budget than the government recieves in revenues.
A period of slow buisness activities.
National Debt
Total amount of money that the federal government borrows and has to pay back.
Alliance of groups with simialr goals.
Sit-Down Strike
Labor protest in which laborers stop working but refuse to leave the workplace.

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