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COB 202 Chp. 3


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a means of identifying our work/life priorities and developing strategies for attaining personal and professional objectives
goal setting
personalized views or deeply held opinions that guide chosen courses of action or judgements of outcomes
The hows of goal setting - the standards of behavior by which we achieve desired ends. Courage, honesty, compassion, and loving are examples.
instrumental values
The whats of goal setting - the end states or goals that we would like to achieve during our lifetime. Wisdom, salvation, prosperity, or sense of accomplishment are examples.
terminal values
Things thyat you can see, fell, or hold, including the kind of car you want to drive, the level of income you want to have, the size of the house you want to own. Consist of material things you want to possess.
tangible values
Deal with concepts rather than things. Freedom, independence, happiness, friendship, and love are examples and can be defined differently for each person. Consist of ideals you wish to strive toward or pursue.
intangible values
time bound
Not so much a matter or right or wrong as it is a process by which an organization evaluates its decisions.
stems from each person's experience and background
ethical barometer
those with an interest in the outcome of the decision based on ethics
situations where we are faced with making a decision that will be based largely on judgments and determinations rather than on indisputable facts
ethical dilemmas
Lawrence Kohlberg identified six stages of this which he grouped into three major levels
moral development
Kohlberg's first level of moral development in which a person's moral judgments are characterized by concerte, individual perspectives. Behaviors are guided by self-interest to obey the rules in order to avoid punishment.
preconventional level
Kohlberg's second level of moral development in which individuals have a basic understanding of the need to conform to societal standards, realizing that norms and conventions are necessary to uphold society. These members tend to identify with the rules
conventional level
Kholberg's third level of moral development which is characterized by reasoning based on personal values and principles. Individuals will make ethical decisions based on personal judgments and not on societal norms.
postconventional level
universal ethical principles-acts are consistent with personal moral principles, seeking the greater good
stage 6 (postconventional level)
social contract-attempt to get social consensus and tolerance
stage 5 (postconventional level)
social accord and system maintenance-meet expectations of society as expressed in laws
stage 4 (conventional level)
interpersonal accord, conformity to group norms-act to meet expectations of peers or organization
stage 3 (conventional level)
instrumental purpose and exchange-acting in one's own interest
stage 2 (postconventional level)
obedience and punishment-act to avoid consequences
stage 1 (postconventional level)
Involves applying principles or standards to moral dilemmas
ethical decision making

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