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Do I Need to Study More


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What is more effective doing reading before or after lecture?
Was there a strong relationship between hours studied and GPA in the Schuman et al study?
No - not very large increase after 3.0
Was attendance and GPA strongly correlated in the Schuman et al study?
Relationship grade consistent for __ and performance on __ and final __ in Schuman et all
attendance, tests, grad
Study time was/was not related to grades or class attendance
What did the Rau and Durand study find for students at ISU?
No strong correlations between study time and grades
Plant et al's 3 things for deliberate practice:
1. focused
2. uninterrupted
3. deliberately planned

Study time does/doesn't predict GPA:
study time positvely/negatively related to SAT scores: smarter students study __
Negatively, less
Study environment positively/negatively related to study time: studying better lets you study __
negatively, less
Study environment related to GPA?
yes - more time in library, and studying alone
Attendance __ related to GPA
Attendance __ related to study time

Work/partying ___ related to GPA
Partying __ related to class attendance
Why was work/partying not related to study time and how did this impact GPA?
related to class attendance which impacted a lower GPA
Total time hypothesis:
more repeititions = less time to relearn
How does the total time hypothesis help with studying?
Need less repetitions before the exam - know it better and have more time to sleep in
What did the Amlund et al study show for cramming?
Cramming helps immediately before test, but ready passage 3x does nothing for delayed test
Re-reading text/notes and example of:
total time hypothesis
Total time hypothesis leads to:
maintenance rehearsal
Maintenance rehearsal leads to
elaborative rehearsal for LTM
What seems to separate average from high group for GPA:
Seeking help
What kind of group work is best?
trying to solve things or helping other people solve
Compare Low-GPA and High-GPA asking for help:
Low-GPA: ask for help end of semester
High GPA: ask for help consistently
High achievers spend more time studying __ than in __
alone, groups
Good __ participation also correlated with __ achivement
group, hight
High achievers tend to use groups for what 2 things?
1. assess own knowledge/weak spots to better direct self-studying
2. help solve problems when they are "stuck"
How do actors use elaboration/deep processing?
Learning lines by studying themes/motivations of characters not rote rehearsal of verbatim script. This helps them see the big ideas and 5 month later 1/2 could remember exact script if did this
5 reasons why mind maps may be more beneficial for learning?
1. encourage active learning
2. more natural than linear note taking
3. ideas are distilled to their core, leaving out unimportant details
4. visual images may be easier to remember
5. color coding can be used to indicate categories

What did the Mind Maps study show?
Group that used mind-mapping, even though didn't like it more, recalled 10% more
What kind of learning is best for mind maps?
active learning
Surface learning emphasizes: and predicts:
emphasizes: rote learning of ideas and facts, little focus on content, little motivation, shallow level processing
Predicts: poor examination performance
Deep learning emphasis: and predicts
Emphasizes: learning to understand, relating ideas to evidence and integrating info, high motivation, deep level processing
Predicts: good performance on exams
Strategic learning emphasizes: and predicts:
Emphasizes: seeking the study technique to get the best grades, motivated to be efficient
Predicts: great exam performance
What's the best way to study according to BIggs?
strategic processing: adding testing and thinking about the potential test - what kind of Q's does the prof ask, etc
What is the 5 step SQ3R approach to effective learning?
1. Survery
2. Question
3. Read
4. Recite
5. Review

Why actively read in chunks?
using subsections, and paragraphs helps pay attn
According to Richardson meta anylsis on college GPA what 3 things correlated to higher GPA?
deep practice
strategic approach to learning

According to Richardson meta analysis on college GPA what 2 things correlated with lower GPA?
1. surface approach to learning
2. stress (in generaL)
What did the experiment on highlight and text-only show?
People who had text-only did better on factual and interference questions suggesting pre-highlighting bad
What did the experiment on text-only and elaborative interrogation show?
People who used elaborative interrogation (think about what something means) did about a letter grade better on factual and inference questions
What is best for studying?
elaborative rehearsal
What did the Roediger and Karpicke testing effects study show?
People who repeated 4x did best on test in 5 mins, people who took practice 3x did better after 1 week
The McDaniel study on Brain and Behavior class showed that what types of questions showed better retention and why?
Short answer
Retrieval w/ feedback more effective for long-term retention than reviewing
have to construct own answer - bigger retrieval

Retrieval with __ more __ for LTM retention than __

Even facts not on practice quiz showed:
improvement in short answer condition
2 parts of metamemory and definition:
1. monitoring: what you know about memory
2. control: what do you do about it
Metamemory accuracy __ __ __memory accuracy
does not equal
Metamemory may have more in common with __ __/__ __
cognitive control/executive function
Parts of brain for memory retrieval
HC and posterior regions
Ventromedial PFC used for what kind of monitoring?
FOK: feelings of knowing
What did the Schyner et al study show about ventromedial PFC activation?
As confidence in FOK increased, activation in the ventromedial PFC increased, but 100% knowing something didn't show the activation
Part of the brain activated during confidence judgement?
rostrolateral prefrontal cortex
The lower people's confidence in their memory the more activation in the __ and __
ACC used for:
DLPFC used for
two parts of monitoring not often accurate at knowing?
ease of learning and judgement of learning
What did the global pre and postdiction results show for YA and OA?
YA: after studying thought EOL increased
After test: confidence judgement and test score had correlation
How can you improve JOL accuracy?
delay the test - use cue-only judgement, people better at JOL for cue-only learning
after delay JOL can improve
JOL:__ as confidence:__
Prediction to posdiction
what does it mean that scores for "Improving JOL Accurarcy" were highly correlated but poorly calibrated?
People could judge their score and standing w/in the class (correlated) but couldn't judge the actual score they got - weren't on the line (poorly calibrated)
JOLs imrpoved with __ for __ students and the opposite for __ students
experience, good, bad
Poor students get __ overconfident espcially __-__ after exam 3
FOK are/are not accurate and relate to the phenomena:
are - TOT
Confidence judgements are correlated or calibrated?
overall more confident = __ __
more correct
Why are confidence judgements poorly calibrated:
underconfident on easy items and overconfident on hard items
Good performers are somewhat __, poor performers are __
underconfident, overconfident
2 ways mnemonics can help:
1. schemas/cscaffolding
2. imagery/elaboration
mnemonics help provide a __ for learning
3 steps in the simplified version of memory palace and counting cards:
1. memorize structure
2. assign each card a person and action
3. when card comes up imagine person and the action in location

Mnemonics help __ vocabulary more than __ vocabulary, better for __ words
receptive, productive, concrete

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