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Cue for treason


undefined, object
copy deck
Primary Character
absolutely essential, 2 special ones
servers as a charcter of a foil (opposite)
is the main character in the story with the story it would been unfinished
Secondary charcter
important, but not essential
Tertiary charcters
incidental(minual)and small impact
ways to know a charcter?
1)what the charcter does? 2)what the charcter says(diction)? 3)what others say about the character?
Character Relaitonships
one-on-one threesome character web (.)(.) ).( ( Y )
Plot(the story line)
-the incidents or the events of the story. -the order in which the incidents occur and the inter-relationship amoung the incidents -cause and effect supports the event but does not cause it. -someties cause frombefore or after relationship and connection
gives intial or primary information for the story and the first impression of the story
Time:when the story begins place:where the story begins atmosphere:inital most of the story
inciting incident
creates mian problem of the story
Main conflict
created by tension, drives the story forward, many conflicts in a story, but only one main one and is introduced by the inciting incident
Types of conflicts
Person V.S self Person V.S Person Person V.S one other person Person V.S several people Person V.S scoicety Person V.S mother Nature Person V.S supernatural
Rising action of the story, increasing tension in the story, the tension drives the story in its maintains momentum of the story. Increses tension
AKA "turning point" occurs at the middle of the story, where the fortune of the protangonist turns good to bad-then makes the desicions that leads to the end
occurs towards the end of the story. AKA the ponit of the greatest tension in the story, when the main conflict is resolved
the end of the story Resolution-where all lose ends are tied up
Peter Brownrigg Sir Philip Mortan Kit Kirkstone (Katharine Russell)
Shakesperare David Vicares William Desmond Anthony Duncan Tom Boyd Richard Duncan queen Sir Joseph Willam Sir Robert Cecil Sir Francis Walsingham
Inciting inciting-CFT
when peter threw the rock at Sir.Philip
when David Vicovres steals the playscript from Peter
Sir Philp is captured

Deck Info


